Chen, WeiqiuSenior Patent Attorney

  • Education
    • Chemical Engineering, M.S. 、 Applied Chemistry, B.S.
  • Language
    • English, Chinese
  • Technical field
    • Chemistry, chemical engineering, Medicine, Materials
  • Career
    • Ms. Chen Weiqiu graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a major in Chemical Engineering. She began her career in intellectual property agency work in 2014. Before joining Foundin IP, she worked at a well-known patent translation company. Since joining Foundin IP, she has primarily been responsible for new patent applications and related translation work.
    • Ms. Chen Weiqiu’s scope of work includes new patent applications, Office Action (OA) responses, reexaminations, and more. Her areas of expertise encompass chemistry, chemical engineering, materials, papermaking, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and related fields. Throughout her career, she has accumulated extensive practical experience and has delivered high-quality professional services to a wide range of domestic and international clients.